Norma Kamps

of Arts
- E-Mail: normathurid@hotmail.de
- Instagram: thatsjustnormal
- LinkedIn: norma-k-234939206
Coming from an art-loving family and with early access to playful and creative activities, the desire for a career in this field arose early on. Communication design and its disciplines cover my interests and talents. The wide range of possibilities for future professional activity were the deciding factor.
A very interesting corporate design course at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, my research trip for my master’s thesis and, last but not least, meeting and working with inspiring professors were some aspects that helped me move forward.
Pasta – A gourmet journey through Italy
A book about the Italian pasta world: history, development, shapes based on regional conditions and instructions for making pasta in your own kitchen.
My travelogue of Italy’s culinary diversity focuses on the heart of Italian cuisine: pasta! Beginning with an introduction to Italy’s fascinating development into “pasta country,” I examine the historical milestones that created this tradition. The on-site explorations of history and regional traditions as well as insights into the secrets of pasta making provide practical tips and recipes for making pasta easily at home.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Dr. phil. Lars Christian Grabbe