Deniz Yilmaz

- E-Mail: deniz.illustrations@outlook.de
- Instagram: _deniz_illustrattions_
- Instagram: comicsforpeoplethatrelate
- LinkedIn: yilmaz-deniz-4b4495212/
Hi, I’m Deniz Yilmaz. I decided to study in Münster because I was already determined to do something in the direction of illustration. Here I was able to try things out and see where I wanted to go with my work. In my illustrations you can always find something about me and my view on topics. The thing I will probably remember forever is the trip to Japan. She gave me a lot and inspired me a lot.
Isolated everyday life “Insights into the lockdown”
What kind of stories are there that we didn't even notice during the lockdown? In this comic we go on a journey through everyday lockdown life.
During the lockdown, our everyday lives have changed drastically. Many had to rearrange their work and private lives in order to come to terms with everyday Corona life. Many small peculiarities and stories emerged that were lost in all the noise of the lockdown. In my work I have dealt with exactly these everyday stories. I wanted to give them the opportunity to be told and heard. To do this, I collected very different stories in order to be able to take on as many perspectives as possible.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Cornelia Haas