Michael Wahle

- E-Mail: michael.j.wahle@gmail.com
- Instagram: michael_wahle
As an illustrator and designer, I love creating visual worlds that invite you to immerse yourself and take you to new places. Through various projects I have the opportunity to continually deal with new topics and areas. I enjoy not only the design, but also the technical side of the process, combining and learning new techniques and software.
The Marsupial Lion – An immersive image series
Integrated into a magazine article, this series of images gives an insight into the life of the extinct marsupial lions.
Until its extinction around 45 thousand years ago, the marsupial lion Thylacoleo carnifex was at the top of the food chain in Australia. With this project I would like to give an insight into what the life of this animal, unknown to most people, might have been like. To do this, I used a combination of 3D techniques and digital painting to create a series of images that take you back to the world of that time. The imagery is based on animal documentaries. The scenes depicted are based on scientific findings and are each derived from a peculiarity in the behavior of the marsupial lion or its anatomy.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Cordula Hesselbarth
- Zweitprüfer*in: Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz