Lara Schepers

of Arts
- E-Mail: laraschepers@googlemail.com
- Instagram: schepers_lara
- Instagram: standbydesign
- LinkedIn: lara-schepers-2a65821a8
I am Lara Schepers, a media designer with a great enthusiasm for animated films. I love bringing illustrations to life and telling little stories. No matter whether it’s explanatory films, music videos or your own narratives – the possibilities are almost endless and every project is exciting in its own way.
Let’s talk about Death
“Let's talk about Death.” is a campaign that encourages young adults to talk openly about their expectations surrounding their own death.
The advertising campaign “Let’s talk about Death.” includes three short animated films in which the death of loved ones as well as one’s own death are discussed. With a touch of cynicism and a pinch of black humor, the aim is to appeal to young people in particular and motivate them to deal with the topic – because death does not wait until we are sufficiently prepared or ancient, but can also affect us in our mid-twenties meet unexpectedly. The animated films take place in the lives of the target group – on YouTube, Instagram and as cinema spots.
Do you know if your siblings believe in life after death? What happens to your digital heritage? Or what your partner’s final wishes would be? No?
Okay, so let’s talk about Death!
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun