Charlotte Resch

- E-Mail: charly15resch@gmail.com
- Webseite: charlesdiseno.myportfolio.com
- Instagram: charles.diseno
In my design process I deal with socially relevant topics. As a designer, I have the opportunity to communicate injustices in the world. Over the course of my studies, I learned to use my creative influence to work on topics in a solution-oriented manner. What I enjoy most is developing concepts that make connections understandable on an emotional level.
Not so fun facts about our gendered world.
Gendered is a card game that deals with the effects of patriarchal structures in our world. The game shows how design influences society and can convey and spread implicit role models and stereotypes.
We encounter design in everyday life and therefore has the opportunity to strengthen or modernize given structures. Gendered helps to visualize grievances in order to question the very structures of stereotyping.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Steffen Schulz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Sven Henkel B.A.