Maike Maaßen

- E-Mail: maike.pilar.maassen@gmail.com
- Instagram: mai.pi.ma
Hi, I’m Maike! For me, being an illustrator means being able to let my imagination run wild. I like to play with colors, shapes, words and meanings. In my pictures I experiment with watercolor, collage and anything else I can get my hands on. I am particularly fascinated by stories for children, as I enjoy reading (picture) books to my own children. My motivation is to invent something new and fascinating for them.
How the zebra got its stripes
A picture book based on a tradition of the San people from southern Africa.
The big and grumpy baboon climbs off the baboon rock and claims the only waterhole far and wide for himself. Zebra, giraffe and co. curiously come to the waterhole only to be chased away again. The baboon has no intention of sharing the cool water with anyone. In a meeting, the animals decide to defend themselves. Who will compete against Baboon? Will the animals be able to use the waterhole again? Or do they have to admit defeat and look for a new home?
After my stay as a development worker in southern Africa some time ago, the country and its people captivated me. This story is a tribute to that journey.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Cornelia Haas
- Zweitprüfer*in: Diplom der Bild. Kunst Meike Staats