Lia-Charleen Langer
![Lia-Charleen Langer](https://wise23.parcours-muenster.de/wp-content/uploads/Langer_Lia_A_2.jpg)
- E-Mail: lia@strand-gut.com
- Webseite: www.lia-charleen.com
- Instagram: charleedujardin
Start studying with a feeling of security. Now facing many uncertain options. For me, visual communication is an effective way to give voice to socially relevant concerns. As an aspiring designer, I would now like to give impulses for change and actively help shape and support these processes. The bachelor’s thesis was a further step for me to move forward on this path.
Initiative Proof
Campaign development, online and social media presence for a critical examination of one's own news consumption.
Digitalization makes our daily access to information easier, but also presents many problems and challenges. Flood of information, filter bubbles and fake news create a great distance between the media and society. The Proof initiative strengthens the responsible approach to digital news consumption, encourages reflection on media habits and promotes appreciation and loyalty to quality media. The use of various sources of information, media literacy and quality journalism are key skills to establish a safe and well-informed society in the long term.
Group project with Stella Schafrick.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
- Zweitprüfer*in: Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz