Ahmet Koctar

- E-Mail: a.koctar@t-online.de
“A fine work of art – music, dance, painting, story – has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place.” – Robert McKee
McKee’s Story Visualized
A visual representation of the basic storytelling principles of Robert McKee's book "Story".
“McKee’s Story Visualized” focuses on transforming the deep concepts and proven methods of Robert McKee’s seminal work “Story” into a visual journey. Through an artistic representation of these principles, aspiring writers are offered an inspiring video that allows them to explore and deepen the essential elements of storytelling. This visual interpretation strives not only to impart knowledge, but also to spark creativity and help writers add depth and authenticity to their own stories.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Wenzel S. Spingler