Hella-Maria Günst

- E-Mail: hella13.09@t-online.de
- Webseite: hellamariaguenst.wixsite.com
- Instagram: hella.rt
Hi, I’m Hella. You can usually find me in the animation studio. I never expected that. When I started studying, I always thought I would one day design chairs. Today I make miniature chairs and then bring them to life using the magic of stop motion or frame-by-frame animation. Whether in moving images or book form, in my stories I speak to people who might not otherwise feel seen.
Who is the bad guy here? In this animated film, unsolicited comments unsettle a mother and she suddenly finds herself in the role of the fairytale witch. How can she do this to her child?
Are you sometimes shocked when a child screams on the bus and the mother puts an iPad in his hand? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Don’t hold back! Just say something! Don’t let the child become stupid from consuming too much media or even forget how to look out the window! But what does the mother think? The mother in our animated film is unsettled by unsolicited comments. When a grandma suddenly becomes critical at the traffic lights, reality begins to fall apart.
Due to our social conditioning, we tend to expect a lot from mothers and react indignantly when they act differently. In our bachelor’s project we approach this topic from a surreal perspective, which exaggerates the effects of negative comments.
Group work with Anna Kempkes.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Diplom in der Bild. Kunst Meike Staats