Jana Dreyer

- E-Mail: janadreyer.info@gmail.com
- Instagram: janasurname
Even as a child it was difficult to find me without a camera. I photographed and filmed everything and everyone. The chaotic snapping quickly developed into a fascination with being able to capture stories and feelings in pictures.
This passion has continued to this day, so I continued to pursue film in my studies.
play pretend
A short film about the struggle with loss of identity and self-acceptance.
What is left when we try to immerse ourselves in other people’s worlds and lose our own in the process? A new acquaintance opens the door for the introverted student Erik to a world he has previously avoided. His roommate Cleo drags him to his first university party. There he gets to know David and his group of friends, which slowly but surely causes Erik’s “self” to falter. In the midst of this unwanted whirlwind of change, he tries to maintain his identity. But the more he adapts, the more of himself he loses.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Hendrik Otremba M.A.