Tim Dombrowski

- E-Mail: tim-dombrowski1999@gmx.de
- Webseite: timdombrowski.myportfolio.com
- Instagram: drawingdom
What I found best about MSD was that I was able to try out many different design focuses. When I see creative film or design techniques somewhere, I often try to understand them more closely or to recreate them myself. That’s why it’s hard for me to decide on one design area or style and I always work with many different techniques at the same time. This means I never get bored and I always learn something new.
An animated short film about an anthropomorphic pencil trapped in his routine.
“Files 1: The Cubicle Chronicles”: The Protago pen has been working for a large paper manufacturer for far too long. The job is a boring and huge pile of paperwork, but he’s gotten used to it now and isn’t ready to turn over a new leaf just yet. True to the motto: “Better the Devil you know, than the Devil you don’t know”. But as we know, sooner or later every printer gives up the ghost. It was particularly exciting for me to experiment with the various 2D and 3D animation techniques in combination with live film and to put the whole thing together into a coherent overall picture. However, the biggest challenge for me with such a complex individual project was time. No Office Supplies Were Harmed During The Making Of This Movie ~ Cheers!
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Diplom in der Bild. Kunst Meike Staats