Melina Artopoulou

of Arts
- E-Mail: melina-a@gmx.net
- Webseite: melinaartopoulou.de
- LinkedIn: melina-artopoulou-643225209
Design manages to inform, communicate and arouse emotions, regardless of the topic on which something is designed. Dealing with social issues gave me a new perspective as a designer and showed how important joint design with the chosen target group can be.
An animated pictogram system to support the arrival of people from different countries of origin in Germany.
An animated pictogram system to provide initial information for people from different countries of origin, which is intended to promote quick arrival and coexistence in Germany. The advantages of animated visual communication should be used to convey information and messages regardless of language, education and culture. Through a variety of possible uses, language barriers in a multicultural society are to be overcome and coexistence in Germany is made easier and promoted due to the quicker comprehensibility of the content.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz