Nora Theisen

of Arts
- E-Mail: mail@noratheisen.de
- Instagram: motionono
For me, design is a way of expressing myself creatively. It offers me the opportunity to continually delve into new subject areas and develop further. During my studies I specialized in the area of media design. Today, as a designer, I particularly distinguish myself through animations in a graphically reduced style and proactive efficiency.
Populism Perils – Populist plagues
An animated story about current society and a socio-philosophical look at 'The Rise of Populism'.
The rise of populism is a social phenomenon characterized by dissatisfaction and the demand for change. The problem is that blind populism is often practiced, according to the motto “simple and quick”. It is better to make your voice heard seriously. Conflict behavior is also elementary. There is no point in reacting with anger to the anger of a populist movement. Nobody must abuse populism and there must be no distorted reporting or influence. As part of an urban street campaign, I would like to expose populism and draw attention to conditions, dangers, abuse and role model functions in order to raise public awareness.
- Erstprüfer*in: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Zweitprüfer*in: Prof. Dr. phil. Lars Christian Grabbe